March 2022 - LPNI

Lutheran Parish Nurses International
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March 2022

LPNI Devotion

“You are mine.”  (Isaiah 43:1, RSV)

Watching some of my grandchildren and other young children on the recent Valentine’s Day, I observed again some of the many Valentine’s notes sent to friends and classmates.  And, of course, I couldn’t miss the array of candy exchanged – overdone, but part of the tradition, I suppose.  Do you remember Valentine’s Day when you were a child?  I still remember the little candy hearts with words imprinted on them. One said, “Be mine”.  Another said, “You are mine”.  There were more, too, but the belonging ones have stuck in my mind.

Belonging is important.  In fact, in life, few things are more meaningful and appreciated than knowing we belong, that we are loved, accepted, and part of something bigger than ourselves. I love to hear little ones say “My daddy … my mommy, my brother or sister or cousin, my nanna, my papa, my best friend.  In His Fatherly wisdom, God intended us to belong.  Knowing we belong can be wonderful.  Feeling that we do not belong can be devastating.

God has made it clear that He created all of us.  We are His.  A beautiful expression of that is found in His words “I have called you by name, you are mine”. (Isaiah 43:1)  Then He placed us in many surroundings where we can say to others, “You are mine”. It’s a loving thing to say to a spouse, a family member, a dear friend, a brother and sister in Christ.  It conveys a sense of closeness, a sense of belonging.  Shared in a loving and caring way, it can make someone’s day.  “You are my beloved child, my cherished family member, my dear friend, my valued co-worker, my special patient, my appreciated neighbor.”

It’s likely you have many friends and have a strong sense that you belong.  Still, there are days when all of us could use a kind word that connects us to others.  Sadly, there are many in our world who may long to belong.  We can intentionally look for them.  Perhaps we could even remind them that God considers them His dear children.  I have a friend who signs all his communications “God loves you, and so do I.” That’s a nice sentiment to share with others.  God wants everyone to think of Him as their Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as their Brother and Savior.  He says to all of us “Be mine.”  As our lives touch others day after day, we may be able to help them know that they are loved, that they are important to our God AND to us, as well.

When I went off to college, my father said to me, “Remember whose child you are”. He wasn’t saying, “Don’t do something stupid to embarrass me”.  He was saying, “Never forget that you are God’s child, you belong to Him”.  As you go about your life, remember that you are God’s beloved child.  You belong to Him.  Then, pray that God would give you opportunities to love and serve others who also belong to Him and who need to know that they are important to you, are loved, and belong.

Paul Devantier, M.Div., M.S., LL.D.
Speaker, syndicated BY THE WAY radio program
2509 Schuman Road, Arbor Vitae, WI  54568 USA

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