March 2021 - LPNI

Lutheran Parish Nurses International
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March 2021

LPNI Devotion
Your Outlook on Life
Whatever you do … (Colossians 3:23 ESV)

To say the least, the last 12 months of our lives have been unusual, not to mention stressful, confusing, annoying, unpredictable and worrisome.  There have been down-times and times we saw evidence of hope.  We have looked backward, trying to grasp in our hearts and minds all that had taken place. We have looked forward with the prayer that the impact of the virus could be minimized, along with the prayer that the virus could be treated effectively and that it would quickly go away. We all probably spent considerable time looking both backward and forward.

One of the well-loved Peanuts cartoons had Lucy and Charlie Brown talking about cruise ships.  Lucy says, “You know, Charlie Brown, there are two kinds of people who go on cruise ships. There are some who face their deck chairs toward the stern so they can see where they’ve been.  Others face their deck chairs toward the bow so they can see where they are going. In the great cruise of life, Charlie Brown, how do you face your deck chair?”  Charlie, a bit frustrated, says, “I can’t even get my deck chair unfolded.”

I have, at times, been able to identify with Charlie Brown.  What is my view on life at the present time?  Do I look back or sideways or over my shoulder – question, regret, analyze, seek to learn from the past?  Or should I look forward with some degree of optimism?  Or is there room for both?  Is there a way to think of my life at this time in human history? I can’t figure it out.  I can’t even “unfold my deck chair”.  

St. Paul has some advice for us in the Bible: Whatever you do (whichever direction you are facing, as it were), work heartily, as for the Lord (Colossians 3:23 ESV).  The more I look in my own direction, the more confused and/or depressed I tend to become.  The more I look in the direction of the Lord, the clearer things become.  The more I look in the direction of what the Lord is calling me to do – to work “heartily” for him, the less inwardly-focused I become.

You are among those who seek to “work heartily for the Lord” as you seek to work heartily for others.  In fact, that is likely the way you keep your outlook on life on track, not just during a pandemic, but always.  You know that the Lord has work for you to do.  You know he has plans for you – plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11 ESV).  And you are those who know how to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for (your)selves as a good foundation for the future, so that (you) may take hold of that which is truly life (1 Timothy 6:19 ESV).

Thank you, Lord, for helping all of us develop an outlook on life pleasing to you!

(P.S.  Charlie, chose a swivel chair already on the deck.)
Paul Devantier, M.Div., M.S., LL.D.
Speaker, syndicated BY THE WAY radio program
2509 Schuman Road,  Arbor Vitae, WI  54568
USA  571-235-1616

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